Monday, 2 October 2023

Process of Autoethnographic Research

 I am half way through my data collection process. 

This is what I notice about autoethnographic research:

The line between data collection and analysis is much harder to maintain. It is very tempting to begin noticing themes already.

I am in a sense trying not to think too hard in my journals but just allow what is in me to dance onto the page.

I am naturally being influenced by the other theories I am reading, and so the line between my own thinking and that of the scholars I read also becomes more blurred.

But the deeper into the inquiry I go, the more I am seeing the interconnectedness of everything and this makes the 'woven feel' of all the stages of the inquiry feel organic and meaningful.

I remind myself that just as a choreography evolves from techniques and outside influences as well as the inner vision of a choreographer, so does an inquiry. So long as this is acknowledged and appreciated and celebrated, there is nothing to be afraid of. 

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