Over the last few weeks I have become increasingly engrossed in the teachings of Ekhart Tolle. His theory of the power of now is something I was familiar with for some years but I have found myself being drawn more deeply to these concepts and being at a place in my life where I am ready to fully embrace this way living.
The idea that we are separate from our thoughts, that the true essence of ourselves is the space between thinking and doing. I find real comfort in this feeling of the one aspect of ourselves that is constant regardless of external circumstances and external bodily appearance or sensation even. It is that unexplainable consciousness which simply 'is'. This is who 'I' really am. So often when someone says who are you I reply with
I am Ann
I am a ballet dancer
Yet this speaks nothing of who I truly am.
To try and explain who I am would in itself defeat the entire concept because I am my presence not my titles, names or appearance or ideas about what I am.
In a way the essence of each human transcends words. Yet we often know from the presence of someone more of who they truly are. For example we might meet a person who tells us that they are for example selfish and arrogant yet we might sense in them the complete opposite energy. They have been conditioned to believe that is who they are but deep down that is not the essence of that person. Similarly we can meet people who have an exterior of kindness but it is all for their own benefit and we can sense that underneath it there is a untruthful quality. But in a sense this is all thoughts too and defeats the point in itself. I am currently navigating understanding my intuitive side more deeply and understanding the difference between thinking and intuition.
I find this fascinating and I am enjoying losing myself in some of these concepts.
This video was especially enlightening for me:
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