Monday 30 January 2023

Module piece of the picture at a time

 Thoughts as I begin Module 2

My intention is to be more present each day. Taking each day at a time, setting intentions for the weeks, one task at a time and remembering each segment has a place in the whole picture.

My motivation to do this work feels like it needs to be more than my simply wanting to do it. I seem to need to remember the impact I hope my inquiry will have on the wider community.

As I begin now to explore my area of interest in relation to trauma and dance and come to more of a focused and grounded question, I remember that I am doing this with the hope that it will shed light on an area which I hope will in some way have an impact beyond myself. This ties in to ethical considerations which will be an important focus for this module.

Developing greater authority in my own voice and in my use of theoretical structures is a key aim for the next few months. Yet I admit I feel unsure of how I can develop this at times? Insecurity seems to be somewhat embedded in my personality, so when I write authoritatively I feel dishonest. Can anyone else relate to this?  

Some freewriting as I begin this process



Beneath the surface of things we find a truth

A truth we perceive

Explore that truth

Focus on shedding light not answering questions

Be passionate and curious

Ride the waves of existence

Listen to the silence

Let it speak

Lessen the grip

Open the mind

Have courage to face the unknown

Cross the bridge not to find the answers but to find even more questions

It was special to connect with the MAPP community today and to hear their voices. To feel part of an interconnected whole and realise that we face many of the same challenges to do with scheduling and time management. But I remember that we are stronger together and thank the MAPP community for being such a great and honest team of people.


  1. Module Two! Hope you're well Ann :) The insecurity/authority question is super interesting - there's some really interesting stuff around this in this modules handbook. Particularly, I love this:
    • Questions are not the forerunner to answers – questions should lead to better
    • Answers mostly lead to endings not growth."

    I'm wishing for more artists (myself included) to be better at this, staying in the questioning process for longer than is comfortable... maybe even continuing this into performances?

    I very much relate to what you right here though - but I can sometimes feel very empowered to be vocal about the things I don't know.

  2. Hi Matthew, Thanks so much. I agree, those statements in the module handbook really resonated with me too. I am also finding it interesting to explore epistemology and Hegel's work, and generally to think about how we think we really know anything! The more I open this avenue of thought, the more questions are emerging! But I agree how fascinating to continue this questioning into performance spaces. There is something about this honesty of performance when artists seem to own this feeling of not knowing and share this sense of vulnerability which I believe is very powerful to witness.


The Essay

 As I reflect on the enlightening session last week with Peter Thomas in which Peter was exploring what defines an essay, I am inspired to s...